Preliminary Evaluation
The first step in moving toward snagging a literary agent and getting the attention of a publisher is usually to have an honest, professional evaluation of your manuscript’s publishing potential.
I do these preliminary evaluations of both fiction and non-fiction book-length manuscripts for $275.
For this, I’ll evaluate your manuscript and give you a written summary of its key strengths and weaknesses, as well as an appraisal of its likelihood in its present form of being accepted or rejected by an agent or editor. I’ll pay particularly close attention to the first 50 pages, which is about as far as literary agents and publishers will read in deciding if they have a winner on their hands. If appropriate, I’ll point out some key areas that could improve the writing and marketability of your book and give you a few specific examples. If I feel that your manuscript would benefit from editing, I'll tell you exactly what type of editing is involved and what the work will cost.
Please note that the Evaluation is not meant to be a substitute for a full, rigorous Structural Edit as detailed HERE. The notes I deliver to you in the Evaluation will typically be 3-6 typed pages in length, depending on the type, number, and severity of issues I find. I will let you know the general areas where your manuscript needs fixing, but obviously I can’t go into great detail for this level of service. Many clients, frankly, bypass this step and go directly to a structural and copy edit; almost all others move to a Structural Edit after receiving the Evaluation.
Important: if you engage me for a manuscript Evaluation prior to moving ahead with a Structural Edit, I will deduct the $275 Evaluation fee from the calculated Structural Edit fee.
Please note: I do not do ‘sample edits.’ I have many years as a highly successful writer and editor, and — common to all professionals — I stand on my professional credentials and accomplishments. I am, however, very happy for you to engage me to do a preliminary manuscript evaluation, as described below.
Why don’t you get started today and find out what your book’s chances are of being published by having me honestly evaluate your manuscript? Just reach out to me directly on my CONTACT page, giving me your email where I can reach you to discuss the particulars and request your manuscript.