Bestselling Book Editor

David Compton

How serious are you about getting your book published?

Literary agents' and publishers' offices are flooded with hundreds of book manuscripts each week. You've made personal sacrifices and put a lot of time, effort, and talent into writing your book. So what is it about your manuscript that will get these agents and publishers to do anything other than fire off an impersonal rejection letter?

This is where I can help. Not only will I evaluate your manuscript with a professional eye toward its publishing potential, but I will help you position your book — both in the editing process and in the pitch to the must-have agents — to set your book apart from the masses and give you, a first-time, unknown author, a fair shot at snagging a literary agent and securing a deal with a major commercial publisher.

The editing I do relates equally well to those writers who decide to self-publish. I discuss this more HERE.

I'm a New York Times best selling author and editor and ‘book doctor’ who can fix your manuscript. I know exactly what it takes to be successful in the publishing business because I did it and I continue to enjoy all the benefits of being a full-time writer.

Why don't you get started by engaging me to do a preliminary Evaluation? Detailed information on taking this next step is HERE. Or, you may just want to get going on the ‘Big Fix' of a major Structural Edit as described in full HERE.

Just follow the menu links above to find out more about how we can work together. Specific information on my editing fees may be found on this page HERE.

I look forward to hearing from you!

David Compton